An award in recognition of the promotion and dissemination of Ayurveda through a commemorative symbol

I, Vaidharaj Govind Vishwakarma (Guru Ji), hail from Bijawar, Chhatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh. Today, on the date 13-07-2021, I was honored with an award at the Governor House in Mumbai, Maharashtra, the City of Dreams. My entire family is very happy and feeling proud to see this. I belong to a small village. I have […]
Honoring Healthcare Heroes: Recognizing Excellence in Medicine and Spirituality

The award was given to Dr. Suresh Adani, Dr. Sandeep Beepate, and Dr. Rajendra Badve of Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, along with an award received by me in the field of Ayurveda. Spiritual guru Prakash Indian Tata was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Governor of Maharashtra, Mr. Ramesh Bais. This event was […]